Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: How attitudes towards key vendors have changed over time, as measured by the Analyst Attitude Survey

Sarah Shamouelian is joined by AR veterans Chris Germann and Duncan Chapple from the Analyst Observatory to discuss the release of the latest findings of the bi-annual Analyst Attitude Survey. Join us to find out how your company performed against your biggest competitors in these top-level findings. The panel will also be examining what this[…]

Beyond BRIC — David Mitchell’s “geosophical technologies” takes a global view of the IT industry

If you are interested in a global perspective on the IT industry I recommend that you check out David Mitchell’s geosophical technologies blog. David is a VP at Ovum, but geosophical technologies is his personal blog. One of the best aspects of this blog is that David just does not focus on the so-called BRIC countries (Brazil,[…]

Spotlight on Enderle Group’s Rob Enderle — High profile yes, but also smart and insightful

photo-rob-enderle.jpgOne of the more controversial analysts in the analyst ecosystem and blogsphere is Rob Enderle. For instance, some of the more colorful posts are “Why Rob Enderle is a moron” and “Rob Enderle: Putting the ‘Anal’ in ‘Analyst'”. This animosity is due to the fact that he gets the most press quotes of any IT industry analyst – more than most firms – and that Rob takes strong stands on industry issues that ruffle a lot of feathers. The high profile in the press is a deliberate and smart marketing strategy on Rob’s part, but sometimes it obscures the fact that he is smart and insightful.

When I first got to my previous employer, I frankly had a similarly low opinion of Rob. Like many AR professionals, this opinion was not based on any personal interaction with him, but just a visceral reaction to […]

Spotlight on IDC’s Crawford del Prete – Always exceeding expectations

photo-crawford-del-prete_color-v-1.jpgDon’t you wish you could say that about every analyst?

First, congratulations to Crawford for his recent promotion to EVP of Global Research. He is running IDC’s technology research as well as the Insights end user research.  As such he manages a wide range of IDC staff, but still manages to make time to wear his “analyst’s hat” to keep in close touch with the market.
Dave and Carter have had the opportunity to work with Crawford over time. His role was the prototypical “Watcher” that worked to get the big picture about a large tech company with multiple business groups. Crawford invested the time and energy to […]

Spotlight on… Gartner’s Carl Claunch – Doing the hard work and delivering client service

photo-gartner-carl-claunch.jpgOne of my favorite sayings is “It’s good to be good, but it’s better to be lucky” and we were definitely lucky in early 2004 when Gartner appointed VP and Distinguished Analyst Carl Claunch as one of the two Lead Analysts for the company Dave and Carter worked at.
Up to that point, many of the major companies had great difficulty in getting Gartnerians to see the big picture about the entire company. We had the classic “blind men and the elephant” problem in that an analyst’s primary research coverage defined how they saw the company as a whole. […]