Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: Delivering Proactive Briefings with Compelling Content

Our April SageTalk features Stephen Loudermilk who will explore the essential customer testimonials and references with industry analyst firms and consultants necessary for every AR professional. By helping industry analysts partner with key client references, companies can increase their market share by enhancing their overall messaging and strategic corporate direction as well as internal and[…]

Why reporters call the wrong analysts

icon-the-press-110w.jpgHow many times have you seen an analyst quote in the press and wondered “well why did the reporter contact that analyst” or “if that reporter had contacted someone familiar with us we would have been more favorably mentioned”?

Reporters use a variety of sources to gain content for their articles and frequently quote analysts to add credibility to their data, observations, or opinions. Sometimes it seems that some publications have a policy that each article contain at least one industry analyst quote. In some cases the analyst is named, while at other times the reference might be “a leading analyst from <firm name>” or “according to <firm name> analysts.

Unlike quotes in your press releases you have little control over these analyst quotes.  Or do you?  If you are working closely with […]

Pet peeve – reporters who refer to analyst firms as consultancies

I guess I am just a nit picker, but it always catches my eye when reporters refer to Gartner, Forrester, et cetera as consultants or consultancies. The analysts’ business and research models are typically quite different from consultants. Best to refer to analyst firms as “research and advisory firm” or “market researcher.” Also catching my eye is when[…]