Why technology buyers use the IT industry analysts
Sometimes IT and telecommunications vendors express frustration at the very existence of IT advisory analysts and their influence with the technology buyers (aka end users or IT managers). Often the vendors accuse the IT buyers of being lazy or stupid because they use the analysts instead of doing the research themselves. Bloggers are equally amazed at why end users would spend money on analyst contracts when there is so much information available for free on the Internet.
The reality is that the advisory analysts provide valuable services to technology buyers and have earned the trust of those buyers over the years. When they don’t understand the true reasons why the advisory analysts are widely used, vendor executives will miss opportunities to invest in analyst relations efforts. This is also true for the sales force who need to understand the motivations for using the analysts, Training is critical for preparing sales reps to handle lucrative deals that are impacted by IT analysts.
There are a number of reasons why IT advisory analysts exist and […]

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