Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

Sage Intelligence Briefing: Win-Loss Analysis

Join us for our second Sage Intelligence Briefing of 2021 featuring SageCircle Senior Advisor, Efrem Mallach, and CEO Sarah Shamouelian. Win-loss analysis is featured in every marketing textbook and explores reviewing a sales campaign, after a prospect has made a choice, to see what can be adapted to help with future campaigns. Every marketing consultancy[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

Sage Intelligence Briefing: Sales Enablement and the Golden Nuggets of AR

Join us for our first Sage Intelligence Briefing of 2021 featuring SageCircle CEO Sarah Shamouelian and Qualitative Research Advisor, Robin Schaffer. Robin will be exploring the capturing and operationalizing of the golden nuggets of analyst insight. This is the hardest part of AR, but potentially delivers the most value. While exploring the potential challenges capturing[…]

Sales enablement: Dave Eckert on winning sponsors and success

After getting sales enablement basics in place, we want to win some sponsorship. The first thing we need to do is to find somebody in sales who can really help us out. What we’re looking for is someone who can educate you on how the sales team works. You can plant some seeds that talk[…]

Dave Eckert on getting started with Sales Enablement

Dave Eckert, who led the SageCircle analyst relations consultancy, is one of the most experienced veterans of the analyst relations community. His work helped SageCircle stand head and shoulders above other firms on issues of sales enablement. Duncan Chapple had the chance to interview him. In the first of three SageTalk posts based on that interview,[…]