THE TOP 5 Common Mistakes that Analyst Relations Programs Make
5. Vendors approach analysts with an undifferentiated message and lack of thought in their vision and strategy.
Downside – why should an analyst pay any attention to a boring, me too vendor, especially if the market is crowded and fragmented?
4. Vendors use the same approach used for all analysts and all firms. Some firms have very bureaucratic briefing request procedures while others permit vendors and PR firms to call the analysts directly. Market researchers need numbers while advisory analysts provide customer success stories. Some analysts are very structured in the information they want and the briefing structure while other analysts even at the same firm are very informal.
Downside – analysts are narcissistic prima donnas who want to do things their way. Vendors who ignore basic differences between analysts and firms run the risk of irritating the analysts, not providing needed information and wasting the analysts’ time.
3. Vendors provide the wrong type of information, not supporting the methods the analysts use to […]

Since 2000, SageCircle has helped analyst relations teams to focus on business value by encouraging innovative thinking that leverages insights and drives revenue.