Forrester’s Charlene Li on 60 Minutes this Sunday, January 13th, to discuss Facebook

Congratulations to Charlene for this plum media opportunity. This is very positive for the social media industry as Charlene is a knowledgeable observer who has a knack for giving the press clear and concise sound bites that educate without sensationalizing the topic at hand. Check out “Facebook (and me) on 60 Minutes” for details. I[…]

A nifty free utility for capturing bits and pieces of content from the web

graphic-hp-smart-web-print-utility.jpgThe free HP utility Smart Web Print gets a thumbs up from The Mossberg Solution by way of the Wall Street Journal. From the article:  
“Some people try to organize Web research by opening Microsoft Word documents alongside their browsers. They copy and paste data from sites into the documents, but this is usually a messy process that traps users into wasting time fixing formats and deleting ads. Others press Print whenever a helpful site appears, resulting in wasted paper and ink. Savvier users create folders within their Web browsers that hold multiple URLs about a research topic, but these data can’t easily be shared or printed for use away from the PC.
There’s a better way… […]