Implications of Gartner’s and Forrester’s Q2 2024 Financial Results

The SageNote Forward-Looking Analysis (FLA) Report from August 26, 2024, examines the divergent Q2 2024 financial results of Gartner and Forrester, two leading IT research and advisory firms, and their implications for vendor analyst relations (AR) teams and the tech industry.

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: How attitudes towards key vendors have changed over time, as measured by the Analyst Attitude Survey

Sarah Shamouelian is joined by AR veterans Chris Germann and Duncan Chapple from the Analyst Observatory to discuss the release of the latest findings of the bi-annual Analyst Attitude Survey. Join us to find out how your company performed against your biggest competitors in these top-level findings. The panel will also be examining what this[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: The Results of the Analyst Value Survey

Our February SageTalk features the Co-Director of the Analyst Observatory, Duncan Chapple. Duncan will be exploring the results of the Analyst Value Survey, providing insights into how users of analyst research value different analyst firms. Analysts have a wide range of services and a substantial impact on companies, so the AVS plays a unique role[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

An Introduction to the Analyst Attitude Survey & The Analyst Attitude Awards | Sage Intelligence Briefing | SageVideo

SageCircle Data Analyst Ian Scott introduces the Analyst Attitude Survey and reveals the results of the 2020 edition. Next Analysts On Analyst Relations Watch Here SageCircle Data Analyst Ian Scott introduces the Analyst Attitude Survey and reveals the results of the 2020 edition. SageCircleSince 2000, SageCircle has helped analyst relations teams to focus on[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

Analyst Relations Bitesize Training | SageVideo

(Formally Fujitsu) Short training videos touching on a number of impactful AR elements (Fujitsu series) Our video training series provide short and sweet resources touching on a variety of topics to help transform your team’s performance. These are only visible to SageCircle members and must not be shared externally. To find out more about our[…]

Time Is Of The Essence, Don’t Waste It On Worthless Firms

Time Is Of The Essence, Don’t Waste It On Worthless Firms

By: Sven Litke Time is limited, so why waste it? Instead, make sure you’re spending it on the things that really matter to you and your organization. AR managers often struggle to identify which influencers to focus on, but giving the simple answer of “Ask your customers” often leaves them baffled. Once upon a time,[…]

Using a 360° AR Program To Stay Relevant To Technology Buyers

Using a 360° AR Program To Stay Relevant To Technology Buyers

By: Ian Scott As transformation specialists, it seemed only fitting to use the 2021 Analyst Value Survey results to highlight some opportunities we’ve noticed in the field. One major takeaway we found was that analysts’ value (according to analyst users who participated in the survey) had increased almost 10% in a single year. This increase[…]

Seeing Analysts As High-Value Influencers Was A New Norm In 2020

Analyst Value Increases By 10% Despite Global Challenges

By: Ian Scott Following the release of the Analyst Value Survey, the Analyst Observatory (the team behind the project) has been crunching the numbers from the 2020 edition. This one-of-a-kind survey is the only annual survey of analyst users, looking at both premium and unpaid use. It is uniquely suited to evaluate the true demand[…]