Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: How attitudes towards key vendors have changed over time, as measured by the Analyst Attitude Survey

Sarah Shamouelian is joined by AR veterans Chris Germann and Duncan Chapple from the Analyst Observatory to discuss the release of the latest findings of the bi-annual Analyst Attitude Survey. Join us to find out how your company performed against your biggest competitors in these top-level findings. The panel will also be examining what this[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: The Results of the Analyst Value Survey

Our February SageTalk features the Co-Director of the Analyst Observatory, Duncan Chapple. Duncan will be exploring the results of the Analyst Value Survey, providing insights into how users of analyst research value different analyst firms. Analysts have a wide range of services and a substantial impact on companies, so the AVS plays a unique role[…]