Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: Engaging Customer Testimonials and References with Industry Analyst Firms / Consultants

Our April SageTalk features Stephen Loudermilk who will explore the essential customer testimonials and references with industry analyst firms and consultants necessary for every AR professional. By helping industry analysts partner with key client references, companies can increase their market share by enhancing their overall messaging and strategic corporate direction as well as internal and[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

Sage Intelligence Briefing: Win-Loss Analysis

Join us for our second Sage Intelligence Briefing of 2021 featuring SageCircle Senior Advisor, Efrem Mallach, and CEO Sarah Shamouelian. Win-loss analysis is featured in every marketing textbook and explores reviewing a sales campaign, after a prospect has made a choice, to see what can be adapted to help with future campaigns. Every marketing consultancy[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: Delivering Proactive Briefings with Compelling Content

Our April SageTalk features Stephen Loudermilk who will explore the essential customer testimonials and references with industry analyst firms and consultants necessary for every AR professional. By helping industry analysts partner with key client references, companies can increase their market share by enhancing their overall messaging and strategic corporate direction as well as internal and[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: How attitudes towards key vendors have changed over time, as measured by the Analyst Attitude Survey

Sarah Shamouelian is joined by AR veterans Chris Germann and Duncan Chapple from the Analyst Observatory to discuss the release of the latest findings of the bi-annual Analyst Attitude Survey. Join us to find out how your company performed against your biggest competitors in these top-level findings. The panel will also be examining what this[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: AR as a Pillar of an Overall Influencer Marketing Program

Our March SageTalk features Chris Germann, Global Head of AR & Influencer Marketing for Spryker Systems. Chris will be exploring the use of AR to supplement an overall influencer marketing program to discuss how AR fits into a much broader vision of marketing to influencers with the goal of driving revenue. AR is more than[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

Sage Intelligence Briefing: Sales Enablement and the Golden Nuggets of AR

Join us for our first Sage Intelligence Briefing of 2021 featuring SageCircle CEO Sarah Shamouelian and Qualitative Research Advisor, Robin Schaffer. Robin will be exploring the capturing and operationalizing of the golden nuggets of analyst insight. This is the hardest part of AR, but potentially delivers the most value. While exploring the potential challenges capturing[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: The Results of the Analyst Value Survey

Our February SageTalk features the Co-Director of the Analyst Observatory, Duncan Chapple. Duncan will be exploring the results of the Analyst Value Survey, providing insights into how users of analyst research value different analyst firms. Analysts have a wide range of services and a substantial impact on companies, so the AVS plays a unique role[…]

Analyst Relations Bite-size Training Part 1: Knowing Research Agendas Helps to Plan Interactions and Relationships with Analysts | SageVideo

SageTalk: An expansive strategy. What can corporate AR learn from the start up world?

Join our SageTalk January kickoff with SageCircle CEO Sarah Shamouelian, and KEA Company co-founder Derk Erbé. Derk and Sarah will be discussing the unique lessons corporate AR can take from the start ups Derk and Kea Company work with. Not only that, but Sarah will also be sharing an update on the re-launch of SageCircle.[…]