Sage Intelligence Briefing: Sales Enablement and the Golden Nuggets of AR

Join us for our first Sage Intelligence Briefing of 2021 featuring SageCircle CEO Sarah Shamouelian and Qualitative Research Advisor, Robin Schaffer.

Robin will be exploring the capturing and operationalizing of the golden nuggets of analyst insight. This is the hardest part of AR, but potentially delivers the most value. While exploring the potential challenges capturing and using these insights can bring, Robin will also discuss possible solutions.

Sarah will continue her discussion on sales enablement from our previous briefing. She will dive into the challenges and resistance to change that AR teams may encounter when developing their sales enablement program. She will also explain the key ingredients and signs of a successful and mature sales enablement program.


SageTalk: March Edition: AR as a Pillar of an Overall Influencer Marketing Program

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