Why AR is more important than PR for a Startup [Startup Saturday]
Research by SageCircle, H&K (in multiple Technology Influencer Studies conducted by Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates), Lighthouse AR and other AR advisory groups has consistently shown that the most significant influence on purchases is peer recommendation and personal contacts. Second is industry analyst opinion, which leads all other influence including advertising and PR. For a startup attempting to break into an existing market or carve out a new market space this is critical information.
For a startup, traditional PR is certainly important and should not be ignored, but allocation of resources to AR can provide a higher ROI. Press is very transient and even an outstanding article or mention does not have staying power over the long run if it gets buried in the clutter of a Google search. Analyst reports have a much longer shelf life and may be referred to months after they are published as a relevant research note is more likely to surface during a research search on the analyst firm website. Good research consumers will then contact the analyst firm for an update or discuss the report during an inquiry.
Industry analysts also convey information at industry events, act as sources for reporters, and can even have influence on Wall Street. It is therefore critical that they are […]

Since 2000, SageCircle has helped analyst relations teams to focus on business value by encouraging innovative thinking that leverages insights and drives revenue.