Why do analyst consulting days? [AR Practitioner Question]
As was briefly mentioned in Strengths and weaknesses of analyst research delivery types, analyst consulting days (aka SAS or strategic advisory service in Gartnerese) have a high risk/reward profile for vendor analyst relations (AR) teams. After that post, we received a question from an AR practitioner asking why AR would want to spend the money on an analyst consulting day.
It is important to remember that building strong analyst relationships requires a mix of interaction types. You cannot achieve your objectives using only briefings and inquiry. Consulting days can have significant benefits when done correctly. Because there are different reasons for purchasing analyst consulting days from the firms, vendors need to clarify the goals they want to pursue through buying consulting days. The shotgun approach of “we’ll just throw some more money at them by buying consulting time” rarely succeeds in genuinely increasing an analyst’s positive perception of a vendor.
The various reasons why vendors choose to do consulting days vary in real value:
- To build stronger relationships with key analysts
– Rating: high value - To do a Deep Dive-style uninterrupted briefing
– Rating: none to high value - To have a high profile marketing event speaker
– Rating: […]

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