Answering “10 Questions Analyst Relations Have on Social Media” Part 2
Recently Jeremiah Owyang, a Forrester analyst that covers social media, spoke to a group of AR and PR professionals at a large vendor in the Silicon Valley about the use of social media. Of course, Jeremiah being Jeremiah, he posted about the meeting in 10 Questions Analyst Relations Have About Social Media. The post is interesting in that Jeremiah did not try to answer the questions he recorded, so SageCircle is going to provide our take on the answers.
The following questions were answered in part 1:
- Is social media a medium to influence the influencers?
- Are influencers impacted by social media usage of clients, vendors, and media?
- Now that many are creating their own messages is message control realistic?
- Can AR and PR benefit from listening to social media?
- Can AR and PR benefit from using social media to talk?
Now to questions 6 – 10
. - How do AR folks, who are traditionally accustomed to deep, often in-person relationships benefit from this? Relationships today are built on more than in-person meetings. This is especially true as both analysts and AR staff become more geographically dispersed. Social media can provide intelligence, insights and actionable information about the analysts that provides the basis for […]
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